
Debunking Myths About Cotton Sustainability!

Cotton Fabric

Cotton Sustainability – Recently, the concept of ‘Sustainable fashion’ has emerged as one of the most pressing concerns in the fashion sector. Despite being an excellent sustainable crop, cotton is often questioned for staying true to its essence. However, one must debunk these myths to take a step towards a thoughtful fashion and know more about cotton sustainability.

Cotton contributes significantly to the fashion waste crisis

When washed, cotton produces cellulosic microfibers, which disintegrate in water, whereas there is a high chance of synthetic fabrics releasing microplastics into our water system and polluting it. So there is no chance that cotton leads more to water pollution than synthetic fibres!

Cotton reduces air quality

The cotton crop has a low greenhouse gas impact. When the carbon contained in fibre is considered, all carbon emissions during manufacture are neutralized by what was previously present.

Cotton is a thirsty crop

Cotton is a natural heat and drought-resistant crop adapted to arid regions. Growing cotton takes up only 3% of the total agricultural water used. Surprisingly, growing an acre of lawn grass requires more water than an acre of cotton.

Cotton takes up land that could be used to grow food

Cotton is a source of both food and fibre. In fact, cotton seed oil, according to research, can keep people feeling satiated longer than olive oil and help in improving good cholesterol.

Cotton Sustainability matters when we talk about the fabric life. We hope this blog has helped you eliminate old myths and better understand cotton’s sustainable nature!

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