People all throughout the world are abandoning the use of throwaway paper napkins. Maintaining a supply of cloth napkins for all of your meals may appear to be a lot of work, but after you try it, you’ll wonder what took you so long. Here are several reasons to switch, as well as some advice to make the transition smoother.
Environmentally-friendly cloth napkin use can literally save the planet:
Paper goods account for approximately 25% of all landfill garbage. You save more than just landfill space when you use reusable dishes and cloth napkins; you also save trees, water, and even oil. Even one tonne of paper plates and napkins requires a massive quantity of all three resources.
According to Mr. Rooter Plumbing’s study, replacing this tonne of product with reusable plates and napkins saves about 7,000 gallons of water, 17 trees, and 700 gallons of oil.
Cleaning and storing cloth napkins is easier than you think… if you make some good choices upfront:
Choosing the proper colours and fabric is critical. We provide the best cloth napkins for daily use at Roots, made of 100% cotton and organically coloured. They are hand washable and colorfast, making them ideal for long-term usage.
Choosing a dark hue over a light colour can keep them looking new even if you use them every day. Browse our extensive collection of cloth napkins in a variety of colours, designs, and textures.
Dedicating a drawer or other handy container to cloth napkin storage eliminates any risk that they may soak or absorb moisture from their surroundings.
They won’t cause you to do laundry all the time:
Are you tired of doing laundry all the time? The fact that you don’t have to wash cloth napkins after every usage is a huge advantage of utilising them with your close family. Keep track of who used which napkin, and use them for numerous meals. There is no cause to do laundry unless your food is really saucy or greasy, or something has been spilled.
To keep family napkin usage organised, get many sets of complementary coloured napkins and allocate one colour to each family member. “Keep in mind that Dad usually uses blue napkins!”
Less mess with kids:
Cloth napkins are more durable than paper napkins for reasons only a parent understands. You won’t have to glance beneath the table to see whether your youngster has torn his or her napkin, leaving a large mess on the floor to clean. This also applies to pet parents whose canine companion enjoys shredding any paper product that may contain a bit of food.
You can save money with cloth napkins:
Using and reusing cloth napkins saves money over time. Yes, the first cost might be intimidating, but with Roots cloth napkins, you can discover a reasonable solution.
Your table will look better every meal:
Who doesn’t want their dinner table to appear great, even if it’s just a regular Wednesday rather than a big occasion? Cloth napkins are a great way to spruce up a table. You can even make a game out of folding napkins in various ways for each meal, and even get your kids involved.
Fabric napkins just feel better:
Another advantage of using cloth napkins versus paper napkins is the way the material feels on your skin. Even the best-quality paper napkins or towels can irritate your skin. Even after the first usage, cloth napkins are substantially softer. As an extra benefit, they will continue to feel softer with each wash cycle.